23. Jun 2021
In June 2021, Baumann Automation published the latest customer newsletter. We want to inform you of our latest innovations and current activities.
You can read about the following topics:
Baumann Automation is ranked 17 among the "100 fastest growing medium-sized enterprises in Germany"! The ranking was announced by the Handelsblatt newspaper.
Electric cars are on the rise – Also Baumann Automation is backing emission-free driving and has installed 26 charging pointson its premises.
Electromobility and autonomous driving are the two biggest trends dominating the automotive sector and having us rethink the concept of mobility. An active future shaper in these sectors, Baumann Automation develops assembly and production lines for the mobility concepts of tomorrow.
Baumann is helping schools in Amberg build the ventilator systems that will allow them to open their doors safe.
Here you can read the Baumann Automation Newsletter.
Stay up to date with our Baumann Newsletter: everything you need to know about automation, autonomous driving, e-mobility and digitalization. Please log in with your data, then you will receive information about Baumann Automation.